Thursday, July 10, 2008


Not too many sore muscles from the tour on the Fourth of July (given we had real and lengthy "hills" to go up).

We were back on the road this morning -- early. Still, it was in the high 80's. We only went for five miles or so. Given the heat and humidity (it is now the monsoon season here in the Valley of the Sun), we are seriously looking into getting one or two indoor trainers to hook up to the bike and trike (as well as doing other related exercises). It might just be better to "be tough" and go out in the heat and humidity and work hard (hey, then when it cools off, it will seem so much easier).

I am hoping that the temperatures for the Tour de Tucson at the end of November will be much lower. I think, given my experience in Tour for Tucson's Children ride that I will stay with the 35-mile portion of the Tour de Tucson. On the other hand, my wife would probably do well in the 67-mile portion.

1 comment:

Boz Haws said...

Phil those dang wives of ours always know how to show us men up! Good luck! I'll drink a soda for you that day!

Jeffery L Haws