Apparently color glow pink (fluorescent pink) does not occur in nature (or at least is rare), so the human eye picks up on it as something "unnatural" and draws the viewer's attention to it. So I have put some flapping glow pink ribbons on the whip just below the orange Catrike flag and also put some windings of glow pink duct tape on as well.
I thought it good to be seen from the front (for on-coming traffic). I found a headlight/tail light pair, the Ascent Jet Set, that is small, light-weight, yet extremely bright. The headlight holds five very bright white LEDs and can be set to be on steady or on in a strobing affect (which is very noticeable). I wanted to have two of these lights in the front, one strobing, one on steady. The Catrike has a rod and half T at the end of the pedal boom. This was fine for holding one light, but I wanted two lights and a computer there (it was convenient and easy-to-see to have the computer right in front of me – you can see that in the photo). I invested in an add on T-bar that slips into the end of the boom rod. You can check these out at (the full location, which may change, was I also had to get a shim to use this on my Catrike. This allowed me to place two of the Ascent Jet Set headlights and a computer on the front boom without interfering with my pedaling.
I outfitted the back of the trike with three tail lights. The center light (which is just the tail light from a Planet Bike 1200 light set) I keep on steady, and the two outside lights (the tail light portion of the Ascent highlight/tail light pairs) flash. Granted, during the day, these may not be that noticeable, but at dawn, dusk, or night, they really stand out. And as far as the front lights... My son told me, after riding toward him at night, that I looked like a very bright, flashing, glowing orb of light at around knee level coming down the street -- odd, but very noticeable.
1 comment:
Orb of light, huh? So when the people of Tempe start reporting UFO sightings and telling crazy stories about some flashing thing flying really low, we know who to blame.
It sounds like you're having fun, though!
- sarah
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