Friday, March 21, 2008

Over Twelve Miles and Climbing

As practice for the Tour de Tucson, we headed over to Scottsdale and did a 12 and half mile ride along the Indian Bend Wash green belt. Twelve miles might not seem altogether that long, but for us (who have only been cycling again for the last two month), it was a good workout.

What’s nice about this area is that it has a wide, two-way, non-motorized path that runs the length of the green belt (north-south) with under- or overpasses for the major streets.

It was a bit warm today (mid 80s), but will seem like winter when we get to our summer temperatures of 110 or 115 (with 80s and 90s as the lows).

I think I will be looking into a helmet cam. It was a bit harrowing to be steering with one hand and holding a camera in the other.

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