Sunday, June 8, 2008

45 Miles!! Again!!

We did it again! Friday, we set out from our home and went up through Tempe and Scottsdale to Shea Blvd. There were three of us this time. My son, visiting from Minnesota, came along for the ride. This time we took extra water and some food (in the form of energy and cereal bars). That made the exertion part of the trip much easier. And in this case, the computer on my son's bike agreed with mine in regards to the mileage (45 miles). So we think we need to revisit the settings on the computer on my wife's bike.

We started out at 5am and hit the top part of the ride around 7:30. We made it home around 10:30. It was still plenty warm. But it wasn't the warmth that slowed us down a bit this time. It was my knee. It started hurting in earnest about two-thirds of the way on the outbound leg of the ride and hurt all the way home. The knee brace didn't seem to help this time.

Here's a video of our going homeward and going across the north side of Tempe Town Lake.

My wife thinks we can do the 67 mile portion of the Tour de Tucson. I am not yet convinced. We'll have to decide soon so we can sign up for the event.


Unknown said...


Looks great!!

Here's my latest photo journey through similar territory.


The Ben Joslin said...

That was indeed a sweet ride! I am the son that went with them!

They average 2 mph more than me. I guess I will have to lose some more weigh. . . .


The Ben Joslin said...


After watching the video of you going under the bridge, your silhouette looks like E.T.