Well, Saturday we decided to go on a longer ride (about 30 miles). I decided to wear my sneakers instead of the bike shoes, which turned out to be fortuitous. We had gone about 13 miles up the Indian Bend Wash bike path and were just crossing over a pedestrian bridge over a small street, with my wife in front, when we encountered a jogger going the same way as us. My wife went to the left around him. I started to follow. Unfortunately, the seams in the concrete bike pathway there are quite large and my front tire got caught in one of those seams. It seem to act like a catapult and shot my bike and me sideways (I was now leaning about 45 degrees to my left) through the air. There was nothing I could do but yell "Look out!" My head and back slammed into the back of the jogger. I then fell straight down on my left hip again! DOUBLE OUCH!!!! Thankfully the jogger was a stout young man and was not hurt. Indeed he and another man jogging right there were most concerned about how I was.
Well, I wasn't too well for a few minutes. I think I actually was knocked out for a second or few before sitting up. When I went down, I had hit my head on the hard sidewalk, cracked my poor left hip again, put a new and worse bloody scrape on my left knee (next to the one I got on Thursday), scraped my arm, and cut my lower leg where it collided with my gears. I also wrenched most of the muscles in my shoulders and neck and lower back. I had been going about 15 miles per hour.
After the Good Samaritan joggers (including the one I fell into) were sure I was "ok", they jogged off. The chain had come off my bike, so I had to put it back on (this is a reoccurring theme with this bike, even when I don't fall off of it). The shifters were not quite right, but after playing with them for a bit, I was able to get them working again. Now my hands were black with grease on top of being sore...
We probably should have called one of my sons and had him come pick us up (or we should have at least walked our bikes over to a hospital which was only a couple blocks away), but instead I insisted that we ride home. IT HURT ALL THE WAY HOME.
I am still bandaged up and will likely forego cycling for a few days. And when I do return to riding, I think I'll start on my old friend, the trike.
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